Posts tagged on-premise vs cloud
Cognos Cloud vs On-Premise

With all the talk about cloud computing these days, does it really make sense to move your Cognos Analytics instance to the cloud? What functionality and benefits are gained or lost when doing so? What about when starting from scratch? What is the best option for your Cognos Analytics (CA) environment? There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes down to it. We’ll discuss the differences which, hopefully, will help you make an informed decision.

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Calculating On-Premise vs Cloud Costs

Many organizations struggle to figure out whether migrating to the cloud is the right financial decision. There are many questions that must be answered prior to making a final call. For example, what financial factors should be taken into consideration when deciding if your company should migrate to the cloud? How can you calculate the cost of running your operations in the cloud? What are the hidden costs associated with a cloud environment? How much will you be spending or saving every month by running your operations in the cloud instead of on-premise? The first step to answering any of the questions is to examine all costs associated with the current infrastructure.

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